In this five month program you will be given all the tools and support you need to deepen your yoga practice and to take your practice off your mat and into every aspect of your life. We will meet the first full weekend together, then one Saturday a month for a full day of yoga exploration. For those who wish, there will be optional ongoing work between our times together. We will “geek out” on everything we study – doing a deep, experiential, personalized study of each of our topics. Throughout the program you will be given the information, support and consistent practice needed to make lasting change. Our days together will be deeply nourishing, inspiring and rejuvenating. Each day we meet will be like a mini-retreat.
Our topics will include:
Safe and clear alignment
Mindfulness and Meditation
Ayurveda (yogic nutrition and lifestyle guidelines) Mindfulness and meditation practices
The energy body – including the chakras
The history of yoga and the variety of yogic practices
Yogic work with Myth and Archetype
Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras
This program is for you if:
You are ready to create lasting practices that positively influence every aspect of your life.
You’d like to grow yoga yoga knowledge beyond what is typically covered in weekly classes.
You wish to cultivate connection, authenticity, compassion and total wellness.
You would like to dedicate a more time to your own well being.
You want support for creating a safe, supportive home practice.
You think you might like to teach yoga.
You are a yoga teacher and are looking for ways to deepen your practice and your teaching.
What you can expect from this program:
Six full- day yoga workshops that include asana, meditation, deep exploration of the practice of yoga, clear support for bringing the practice into your life.
Expert guest teachers, like Ivy Ingram and Jeff Brown.
An invitation to geek out between our workshop days with optional reading, journaling and movement assignments.
A small community of students that will support each other through the exploration of the material.
Fresh and insightful exploration of the material that will deepen your relationship to your yoga practice.
Program Dates and General Topics:
2019: September 21: Feet and Knee Alignment, Presence Practice Making a Personal practice, Sequencing and safe/effective Home Asana practice.
September 22nd: Upper Leg Alignment, back health part 1, Ayurveda with Ivy!
October 19: Lower back health part 2, hip alignment. Working with the Myths, Archetypes and “beings” of yoga.
November 16: Core Strength and back health part 3. Energetic Anatomy including the Chakras.
December 14: Shoulder alignment. History of yoga including the Yoga Sutras.
2020: January 11: Head and neck alignment. Review, Celebration, Time for anything we want to revisit/go deeper with.
We will meet each day 10am-12:30pm and 2pm – 5pm
$742 full program
If you wish, you can pay in 2 installments of $391 (1st payment due when you enroll and 2nd by November 1st)
$139 each day – If space allows*
*Space is extremely limited*
Your total amount is refundable up to August 15th.
I am doing more with my arm now than I have done in the past 3 years!
About 3 years ago I had an adverse reaction to the flu vaccine. My entire left arm swelled and I was left with pain and very limited mobility. I began a process of ultra-sound guided injections, physical therapy, and steroids to help with the bursitis and tendonitis that had developed in my bicep and deltoid muscles. I had to cut out much of my exercise routines due to the pain and it was only about a year ago that I started doing yoga again. However, the key word is that I was doing the yoga, I wasn't experiencing it. Out of fear of the injury and pain, I limited myself. During the 2011 Karma week though, I found Olynda's Anusara course and have found my yoga experience. Making this a weekly practice and leading with my heart has opened up my body and mind to what is possible with my arm.
I am doing more with my arm now than I have done in the past 3 years! At a doctor's appointment last week, no pain medication or therapy was prescribed, because I am finding that the Anusara is leading me on my path of healing.