Are you ready for big change? Is there a process of transformation you have been winding your way through? Are you ready to shed a layer and step more fully into who you are? This retreat is a day of exploring ancient, sacred tools that are here to help us find our way. Our retreat will include an all-levels yoga practice in the morning and an afternoon of exploring the powerful tool of the labyrinth. (More info on labyrinths and our guest teacher below!) We will gather in a beautiful private studio, and have time to connect, practice, go deep and find our way. Many options will be given while we practice on the mat, so students of all levels can get what they need from the physical practice
You can expect:
Time to arrive and settle into this beautiful venue with a cup of tea on us.
A short opening circle to help us come together as a group, focus our intentions and create safe and sacred space for our day.
An introductory talk weaving ancient myth, goddess archetypes and yoga philosophy and practice to help us orient to our practice for the day.
A 90 – 120 minute all levels yoga class.
90 minutes to luxuriously savor our pot luck lunch and walk the grounds, rest, journal, pick a goddess card, visit and do whatever you need
An exploration of the history and practice of labyrinth creating and walking.
The experience of walking and finger walking labyrinths.
Time to fully rest and restore in restorative poses.
Total support to do what feels right and supportive to you – it’s your day!
$80 full day/$70 early bird! (through March 4th)
$40 half day/ 35$ early bird! (through March 4th)
A labyrinth is a metaphor for life’s journey. An ancient symbol that occurs in cultures around the world, the labyrinth provides a path of prayer and problem solving, a place to celebrate and grieve, a place to release and receive. Come join us to learn more about this meditative tool available to all. We’ll learn a bit of history, receive a few suggestions on using labyrinth walks individually and in groups, practice finger walking a labyrinth and experience first-hand the power of a labyrinth walk.
Johanna Manasse is a Veriditas trained labyrinth facilitator who walks the labyrinth in her own backyard daily. She first experienced a labyrinth walk 15 years ago at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco and began a journey back to her spiritual self. Years of immersion in all things labyrinth led her to Chartres, France and training in labyrinth facilitation with Dr. Lauren Artress who promoted the rebirth of labyrinth walking as a spiritual practice. Johanna beads labyrinths, creates temporary labyrinths indoors and outdoors, walks one with her fingers when weather is stormy, doodles and dreams this path that speaks to her soul. She thrives on introducing this practice to others, holds monthly full moon walks on her property and welcomes the neighborhood children who delight in dashing barefoot on the sandy path.
Thanks to Olynda, I finally feel like I know how to hold my body correctly. I've had neck, back, hip, and knee issues in the past. I've always felt like my joints are a bit loosey-goosey. (My physical therapist says I'm technically hyper-mobile, but I prefer loosey-goosey.)Even after months of physical therapy, I never felt confident in my knee alignment or posture. After taking several of Olynda's classes, I finally have a firm foundation. Thanks to her expert (and oh-so-gracious) guidance, I know how to hold my body correctly, and, as a result, I feel confident while going about my day tasks and while exercising.