Posts Tagged “meditation”

Get Ready

Here it is! This little recording is my gift to you. It is a Yoga Nidra. Yoga Nidra is an ancient, deep relaxation technique that means Divine Sleep.  The good news is you don’t even need a yoga mat, or a change of clothes.  You just need a cozy place to lay on your back with no interruptions, for 30 minutes.  Yes, that means silencing your phone.  In fact, I invite you to put your phone in another room.  Let your family members know you are unavailable.  If you have pre-teens or teens you can invite them to practice with you.

This  practice is the uncontested FAVORITE activity in my middle and high school classes. This recording was made during one of my high school classes.  Thanks guys!

If you want to get extra luxurious about it  (which I hope you do) grab a blanket, some cozy socks and/or an eye pillow.   The practice is designed to help you feel rested, whole, present and more aware of your interconnections.  If you have the time, and your body needs to move a bit, do a few sun salutations or a full practice first.

Ready to go? Skip to the bottom and enjoy!  Want to geek out a bit? Keep reading.

We Need This

In yoga we see that all things have a rhythm, a pulsation. Everything that is alive, has a cycle of activity and rest. As modern day humans we are doing everything we can to step out of that rhythm.  Our world is organized in opposition to our ability to follow our bodies natural need to rest.  It is increasingly hard in today’s world to actually tune in and line up to the slower rhythm of nature.   And our body, as part of the earth, craves that slower rhythm.  So as a society, we are in a huge deficit of sleep and restful activities.  And our need for rest – because of the sheer pace and stress of our lives is at an all time high.

What I Don’t Have Time For

We value sleep, play and restfulness so little, that these things seem like the perfect sctivities to cut out of our busy lives.  And we are suffering for it.  Brené Brown in “The Gifts of Imperfection” states that “According to the Centers for Disease Control, insufficient sleep is associated with a number of chronic diseases and conditions, such as diabetes, heat disease, obesity and depression.” I don’t know about you, but I’d rather make time for some delicious rest, than make time for doctors appointments and the suffering created by these illnesses!   While I encourage you to actually sleep sleep.  This practice of Divine Sleep can also be a huge support in finding deep rest.

Especially Now

It’s been a rough week, and a rough few years in the news. Especially when we are grieving, angry, scared or frustrated, it’s vital to take a break.  This practice, with it’s guided imagery, is intended to give you a “thought vacation” so you can come back to your life with freshness, support, and new found creativity and clarity.


Posted on: February 20th, 2018 No Comments