I teach two weekly classes. Mondays @ 6pm and Sundays @ 9am. 

Yoga Geeks, Mondays, 6 – 7:15pm @ Thousand Petals Yoga

431 W Franklin St, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 In the courtyard across from Franklin Street Yoga!

In this mixed levels class we geek out on all things yoga: clear alignment, yogic philosophy, breath work, mindfulness and more. You don’t need to have an advanced physical practice to be a yoga geek, just a lively curiosity and a willingness to dive deep into the practices. 1 hr 15 min.

Sundays, 9-10:15am   @ Durham Yoga Company

In this class we will explore clear alignment, yogic philosophy, breath work, and mindfulness as ways to help us awaken to a deeper level of awareness.   Our physical practice will include longer holds to help us gain strength and flexibility. We’ll also work with some flows to help us warm up and move consciously.  Clear alignment cues will be given in each pose so that students are safe and are continually deepening their awareness of their own bodies.  This is an all-levels class, where students will be encouraged to honor their edge. Options will be offered so that each student can make the practice what they need that day. Everyone will be invited to deepen their ability to be fully present in each moment.  This mindfulness work lays the foundation to deeper consciousness and bliss.  It awakens us to who we are, and allows us to experience the state of yoga.

Send me a note at olyndasmith @ gmail.com  if you have any questions!

